Wednesday, October 1, 2008

No shaving

A lot of people make snide comments because I don't put a razor to my face anymore. I'm not conforming to that clean-shaven look anymore. I'll trim it up every now and then, but I've got a baby face, and when I shave, I look like a 12-year-old. Anyway, I don't think my scruffy look is too bad, do you?


Anonymous said...

I hope you are still conforming to the whole toilet paper thing. And the whole shower thing. And the whole wearing deodorant thing. And the whole eating thing. And the whole not going on murderous rampages thing....

I could go on here, but I'm not going to.

Anonymous said...

You should do a story on our friendly neighborhood motorcycle clubs. I for one know the wingmen are not flying right. They have wild parties, involving underage drinking, drugs,and going out to find people to beat up. I know for a fact that they are remodeling their clubhouse with stolen materials. They have recently tiled three rooms with stolen tile. They still have alot of the tile sitting in the back its original cases. This is particularly disturbing because they all are either retired or active duty military. I wish you would look into this matter soon. Ft. Benning should know what their boys are up to.

Anonymous said...

To sticky without TP. Ignorance is Bliss Ne? How many cultures are there that do not shave and also are not rampant with disease. Lets push your logic a bit further... you are now required to shave every hair on your body so that you will be hygenic. There is much more hair on your head than your face generally...just think of all the dirt that is in there. Im suprised everyone that isnt bald is able to survive at all. Go die, your stealing my oxygen.