Wednesday, January 19, 2011

No thanks, brother

One of the great things about living so close to Alabama (about 150 yards away in my case) is that their political leaders make ours in Georgia look so much better in comparison.

From former Gov. Fob James' bouncing around like a monkey to mock an opponent who had the audacity to believe in evolution (when we all know the Earth is just 5,000 years old and humans and dinosaurs once co-existed ... remember the Flinstones?) to ethically-challenged former Gov. Don Siegelman, their governors provide great entertainment, especially for newspaper columnists. Although, speaking on behalf of newspaper columnists everywhere, I remain a little crushed that Judge Roy Moore didn't get the office.

The latest Alabama clown is Gov. Robert Bentley, who pretty much said that you can't be his brother or sister unless you worship the same religion he does. You can read about it here. He has since apologized. So, in just a couple weeks in office, Bentley has already proven that he's not wise enough to speak in public, but also that you can't really take what he says too seriously anyway because he could totally take it back in a day or two.

Let me just say for the record that I'm not offended by what the governor said because I'm quite OK with not being his brother or sister or relative in any way. I've got enough crazy people in my family already, thank you.

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