Wednesday, March 14, 2007


The last time I tried my hand at acting, I was a senior in high school. Our drama teacher worked up a new version of "Cinderella," and created a special part for me as an anarchist trying to overthrow the royal family. (Most teachers, co-workers and bosses I've had would not consider that role to be much of a stretch.) I wasn't much of an actor then, and I found out today little has changed. I'm still an anarchist and bad actor.

For my second -- and, I'm sure, eagerly awaited -- webcast, I created a skit that I and two female co-workers acted out in front of the newspaper. These are normally attractive women, but let's just say their appearance was hardly of any concern this afternoon. Fortunately, they're not shy or vain, and they're better actors than me. One's my boss, Pork Chop, who got to do something to me in the skit that she's been wanting to do for a long, long time.

And if our new videographer can make any sense out of my script and our acting with his video-editing skills, I think he deserves an Oscar. You can see for yourself on the webcast that begins running the afternoon of March 15 on the newspaper's home page.

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