Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!

Oil just passed a record $119 a barrel in midday trading on Wall Street and is expected to close at over $120 a barrel by day's end. Guess we could drive less and save the planet and save a few bucks at a time. Unfortunately, there's nothing right now that could save the economy short of a "Eureka!" energy discovery, such as practical cold fusion or powerful, regenerative solar power cells. Too bad there's no money in saving the planet and the economy. But there's darn good money in killing both. Ask Exxon-Mobil.

1 comment:

Jed Rothwell said...

Greetings from Atlanta, GA. You can learn about cold fusion here:


It still needs a lot of breakthroughs, but maybe not "Eureka!" ones. More like patient slogging. My friends in the Navy think they can develop it into a practical source of energy for a mere $300 million.

- Jed Rothwell